1. Be curious. There was a time when people thought smoking cigarettes was good for athletes because it expanded their lung capacity! Not too long ago, the consensus was anti-fat. We now know that it isn’t true and fat is actually essential for different processes in the human body. Be Curious! Ask questions! Do your own research!
2. Do the next right thing. We want to get better, stronger, and healthier. That means we have to develop good habits. Sometimes this can seem overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it all at once. Just make the next choice a good one. They will all add up and before you know it, you will be a lot closer to your goals!
3. Now, not later. We think we have time. We think it will just go away. We think that it will just take care of itself. But our time is finite. Don’t wait until later to feel better. Sometimes, later will be too late!
4. Perfection is the enemy of progress. This is for my type-A people out there. Not every workout will be perfect. You might slip and eat something not on your diet. It’s okay! FOCUS on making progress. By the way, keeping track of your goals/progress via pen and paper or an app can be really helpful. Done is better than perfect!
5. It’s supposed to be hard. Making changes will be hard. It will require dedication, discipline, and willpower. But difficult changes yield lasting and meaningful changes. And most importantly, it’s worth it. Your well-being is 100% worth it!