1. Strength Training! Not only does weight training improve mood, and lower anxiety and stress but it has also been shown to prevent cognitive decline. (Source) 2. Eat healthy fats! Your brain is 70% fat. Adding Omega 3 and Fatty Acids can help preserve your brain function. Not all fats are bad! (Source) 3. Try something new! Play a new game, learn a […]
Why Feeling Dizzy, Wobbly, or Woozy Can Be a Spinal Problem
Your balance and equilibrium is a complicated, intricate dance between three sensory systems – the vestibular, the visual, and the proprioceptive systems. The information is aggregated from these systems in your central nervous system where it is used to control the muscles in your spine and body to maintain balance. Good information allows your body […]
6 Easy & Natural Ways to Power Up Your Brain
Having a POWERFUL brain has the ability to influence your mood, motivation, memory, and energy levels. In this article, we will talk about how to naturally improve the power of the brain by making sure you have the proper amount of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that acts as a powerful stimulator in the brain. […]
Breaking Free: Rewiring Your Brain For Change
Last week, we talked about why change can be so hard. It’s difficult because it’s actually hard-wired into our neurology. Does that mean we should give up on bettering ourselves? Abandon our goals shy of meeting them because it doesn’t seem like success is possible? OF COURSE NOT! We are not prisoners of our habits. […]
Why Is Change So Hard?
Why is change so hard? Have you ever tried shed an old bad habit and failed? Maybe made a New Year’s resolution that you couldn’t keep? Well, it’s your brains fault. Everything we do, feel or think is built into our neurology. Neurons in our brain communicate with each other via neurotransmitters and synapses that […]
Tech Addiction: The Dangers of Screen-Time
Gone are the days of encyclopedias, library card catalogs, and land lines. The teens and young adults of today have never known a world without the internet, smartphones, and mp3 players. The world has been at their fingertips from the time they were born. With the rise of smart technology comes the risk of technology addiction. The […]