Stop for a moment to consider the fact that part of the healing process may actually be a shedding process, not an acquiring process. Ruminate on some of the following things you might want to unload to make room for a better life experience:
Obsolete beliefs (drop grudges, examine prejudices, and toss out self-imposed limitations)
Unhelpful habits (start taking your own advice!)
Naysayers (have boundaries with skeptics, doubters, and Debbie Downers)
Worry (focus on what you want, not what you don’t want)
Procrastination (waiting is rarely beneficial)
Seeking approval (especially from those who don’t have your best interests at heart)
Most of these add complexity and needless friction during the healing process. Consider an “elimination diet” and see what unfolds. Embracing the future usually requires releasing the past.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Jane
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