In the current climate, it is hard to find answers about how to be healthy. You can always find competing ideas and opinions on just about every issue. If you go to “Dr. Google” to look for a simple and concise answer, you are more likely to be overwhelmed by information and leave confused and frustrated.
There is also the question of authority and whether an institution has gained and earned our trust. Not only is it challenging to sort through the information, but it’s also hard to trust those distributing the information. Furthermore, the pandemic has created a greater sense of urgency. Have you noticed that people are paying closer attention to their physical well-being? I have. This actually might be the silver lining of the pandemic: the reprioritization of our health.
So, where does this leave us? I think it leaves us with hope.
Sometimes the simplest answers are usually the correct ones. In our dizzying information age, it’s important to remember the basics. Eat nutritious foods. Drink water. Exercise daily. Sleep well.
Take care of your body. Be proactive. Too often we get consumed and distracted by disease. It is more worthwhile to focus on what makes us healthy.
Focus on improving your heart rate variability, a measure of your body’s adaptability. Measure your body composition. Track and measure your resting heart rate. Buy yourself a fitness tracker.
It is not very sexy or earth-shattering to say you need to eat a well-rounded diet or to exercise routinely but it’s nevertheless essential. The answers are simple, so keep it simple.
Doing the next right thing over a long enough period of time will get you the results that you are looking for.
Keep it simple for as long as possible!