The last installment in our series about Brain health will be focused on a specific part of your central nervous system called the brainstem. (You can catch up on Part 1 and Part 2) The brainstem is the junction point between the brain and the spinal cord. It consists of three components: The medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain.
Why are we so concerned with this area of the brain?
The answer is: this is where your aOS resides.
Your aOS (automatic operating system) controls all of the basic life support for your body including:
- immune system
- heart rate
- blood pressure
- digestion
- hormones (the chemistry in your body)
Your aOS allows your body to properly adapt to any environment, stress, and situation that you may encounter on a day to day basis.
As an example, if you were to fly from Denver to Antarctica, your aOS would adapt by shivering to generate heat in order to make up for the temperature difference. This protects your vital organs and brain by drawing blood away from your extremities and into your core.
The brainstem is so important that it is protected by the skull AND the first two bones in your neck.
However, if you have a traumatic event such as an accident or fall, it can create an Abnormal Shift in the neck that directly obstructs your brainstem, which would prevent your aOS from doing its job properly. This can lead to many diseases and Secondary Conditions such as:
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Constipation/diarrhea
- High/low blood pressure
- Autoimmune disorders
- Lethargy and fatigue
- Anxiousness
- Brain fog
Here is the bottom line: Chronic obstruction of your body’s aOS severely limits your ability to be healthy and ultimately can lead to many bodily dysfunctions and diseases. Taking care of your aOS is the BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE way to be proactive for your brain and overall health.
For a complimentary consultation please visit our website or call us at 970.663.1617
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