Is there such a thing as a quick fix when we are talking about our health?
How many miracle cures and pills have we seen? How many diet fads have come and gone?
It is human nature to want things to happen quickly with the least amount of effort. But let’s look around at Mother Nature and see what she has to say:
Nine months for a baby to be born.
Seven years for our body to replace each cell.
Up to 10 years before some cancers, such as ovarian, can be detected.
Nine months to two years for fibrous tissues like tendons and ligaments to fully heal.
Healing from dis-ease is a process that takes time. When we want to be healthy we must work with the healing process, not try to bypass it.
This is where a lot of us get it wrong. We think we got sick at the moment when the symptoms show up, so we believe the solution ought to be just as swift.
The truth is each takes time – both the development of the illness or condition AND its resolution.
The question then lies in how you choose to spend this time. Is it going toward grasping at straws in hopes of a quick fix or toward actually fostering a solution?