If you have been paying attention (who hasn’t?) surely you’ve come across a myriad of different opinions and theories about what is happening. Some are wild and easily dismissed, some seem to be rooted in sound reasoning, and some appear factual and undeniable. You may have discovered these theories on Facebook, on the news, or during the President’s daily briefings. Every day brings a new angle or article about COVID-19. There is a lot to sort through. It can be tough because we are all biased consumers – we see things through the lens of our own experiences and belief systems. We are not immune to political persuasions and personal constructs. This is why I want to share what we know.
Here is what we do know:
- The human body has a built-in defense system against bacteria, viruses, and other unwanted invaders. You don’t make it to the top of the food chain, spawn great civilizations, and inhabit every corner of the globe without it. The nervous system, immune system, and endocrine system give us all a highly effective means to adapt to any external factor, including the climate, altitude, environment, and various bugs and viruses we encounter along the way.
- This isn’t the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last. The Spanish Flu, The Black Death, Russian Plague, and the Great Plague of London are all examples throughout human history where we have been challenged in this way. BUT…there is no other point in history where we are more capable of dealing with this challenge. Clean water (indoor plumbing, seriously valuable!), sanitary practices, technological advances in communication and medicine, and a deeper understanding of what makes people healthy are all advantages that we have now.
- The better you take care of yourself as a matter of routine, the better your body will be equipped to ward off invaders. This doesn’t only apply today as we do all we can to avoid serious illness now that there is a more tangible threat. The lessons we are able to glean from this period of “reset” that humans around the world have found themselves in can, and should, be a catalyst for introspection. If we’re being wise, we should all emerge from this experience having made lifestyle changes that support our body’s ability to heal and thrive. Don’t rely on the latest medicine or the government to save you – there is no replacement for being healthy naturally.
- We, as a society, need to redefine health. Health cannot simply be a lack of symptoms. Even the World Health Organization acknowledges this and defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health isn’t found at the bottom of a pill bottle or in the latest and greatest surgical intervention. Health is, and will always be, your body’s innate ability to adapt and heal. It’s on us to shift our mindset and start looking at what it really means to be healthy so we can make better decisions for our future.
It may be difficult to figure out what to believe. I know I’ve been having a hard time with it. The never-ending news cycle, simulations, and prognostications can make it very hard to know where the truth lies. My suggestion is to focus on what we actually know. If you do that, not only will you find good news but also a path forward. We do not need to be afraid. We’ve done this before and we’ve got all we need.
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